Correctional Chaplain Perspectives
understand and control the basic elements within them that affect their decision making. It is much more effective to first discover the causal factors that may create or support the problem the individual is strug- gling with, which then allows for a multifaceted approach whereby each cause is addressed as a solution is sought. Causal factors stemming from youth For many males who have been incarcerated, environmental factors in their youth inhibited their emo- tional growth; they never learned to express their instincts and emotions in healthy and productive ways. One of the most prevalent of these factors is the absence of a positive father figure who modeled a healthy lifestyle. 3 These unguided males long to be and act like men, but have been deprived of an understanding of what manhood truly means. They resort to drawing their own conclusions based on poor examples, as well as circumstances and personal feelings about their responsibilities as men. Not establishing a healthy identity structure results in inmates becoming more willing to let their choices be guided by primitive influences. A change in thinking is needed, but for personal change to occur, a clear understanding of the causal fac- tors that initially influenced them to make the choices that led to incarcer- ation is required. Specific cognitive and emotional remedies for all areas of influence must be presented and considered in order to avoid follow- ing the same maladaptive patterns. Time and time again, after males are exposed to basic concepts of identity
formation and personal growth, such as self-awareness and expression, they voice regret that they were not taught these ideas earlier in life.
to properly defend themselves can be defensive and closed off in every area of their lives. Making a change While these causal factors cer- tainly play a role in shaping the ways a male processes and responds to life situations, it is vital for each man to realize that these factors are merely explanations — not justifications — for choices and subsequent actions. In order to successfully understand his situation and change his patterns of choice, an inward evaluation of his identity and the internal struc- tures on which that identity is built is required. A multitude of ele- ments exist within each individual’s identity, including emotions, mental health, spirituality and memories of past experiences. When males learn to recognize and understand these concepts, it allows them to take responsibility for their tendencies. This responsibility, in turn, helps them identify the impulsiveness and self-destructiveness behind behav- iors previously used. By recognizing and dealing with each causal factor, the individual will gain the power to stop past habits and, instead, de- velop a strong and structured identity through nurturing their character. Through this new understanding, they gain the ability to develop plans and establish the steps that lead to positive-goal achievement instead of continuing to blindly follow their compulsions. Establishing a set of guiding principles provides a power- ful foundation for future decision making and gives a man the power to exhibit self-control instead of victimhood. Undertaking a rigor- ous self-examination will help a
It is much more effective to first discover the causal factors that may create or support the problem the individual is struggling with, which then allows for a multifaceted approach whereby each cause is addressed as a solution is sought. Lack of a positive male role mod- el also inhibits the development of fundamental life skills. Young males do not understand the importance of healthy relationships and conse- quently do not know how to develop or maintain relational support. Because they have never learned how to explore and emotionally digest their early childhood experi- ences, those experiences continue to hurt them in the present. Males who grew up in a confusing, defeating environment without knowing how
Corrections Today July/August 2019 — 9
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