

with pomp and ceremony — Invite family (they are key to success) and make it special. Don’t cram it between other meetings. It is not a meeting. • Acknowledge those that go above and beyond. A simple certificate, given during an executive team meeting or during shift briefing, is em powering and communicates what matters. • Give a team member an unexpected day off. Let them choose when. “I noticed you have worked a lot of extra shifts lately, tell me what day you would you like to be off.” This may allow that employee to attend a school event, be with a spouse or other family event. • Ensure there are routine publications that send the message you want sent. There are few things more

– Don’t be a generational hater! Every generation has posi tive and negative contributors. Contributions by millennials and younger generations occur each day. Each generation must be re spected and valued for what they bring to support the mission. Accountabilitymust be seen as a growth opportunity and a lesson learned.

important than these periodic newsletters to the team.

– Hold team members accountable.

• The ”‘doers” in the organi zation are counting on you to ensure those not fulfill ing their duties are held accountable. • Accountability must be seen as a growth opportunity and a lesson learned. Not the first foot out of the door. As a leader, you did not arrive in your current position without countless learning opportunities. • Make sure accountabil ity makes sense. Giving an employee a three-day suspension for continually calling in only rewards their behavior. Time off is often what motivates them. Time off means others must work an extra shift or two.

Social media – This is your largest ally and your largest foe. It must be managed and monitored. • Contribute acknowl

edgements of team accomplishments.

• Watch for signs of dis content. Address each in a non-threatening way. They have a right to speak and what they speak impacts the culture of your facility. If they are negative, you must find out what makes them feel that way. Address them, “I saw you were frustrated with ... Please tell me more about that and how I can help resolve your frustration. It is important to our mission you feel supported.” • Remember, your every ac tion is monitored by others. If you are going to “like”


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