
From Jim’s Desk nEWS&vIEWS

A very successful meeting in Phoenix

might mention the closing plenary session on behavioral interven- tion, or the opening plenary session on contemporary legal issues. Of course there were excellent training presentations beyond the plenaries as well. I’m certain another highlight was simply being out, renewing friend- ships, and seeing colleagues for the first time in months, if not years. The ACA staff was responsible in its health care management by wearing masks and wherever possible main- taining social distances. Of course we have received reports that some attendees came home with Covid, although it is difficult to trace that it was because of attendance at the conference. No matter where it was “caught” we wish everyone a rapid and complete recovery. No ACA staff became ill from the conference we are proud to say. The ACA staff is already gear- ing up for a return Congress of Correction in New Orleans, Loui- siana, a place ACA has called our

conference home many times. Make plans to be with us from August 4–7, 2022. As we move through the winter months, please be mindful of how easy it has become to be infected with the virus, the “regular” flu, and common colds. Whenever it’s pos- sible, maintain your distance from others and try to wear a mask. Trust me, no one dislikes wearing those things more than me, but I do it to protect myself and to protect others as best I can. As always, stay safe, help others, and pray this epidemic will end some day soon. Remember our families, our friends, our colleagues and those persons in our systems who have passed away because of this epidemic. God Bless them.


W e have just completed our 2022 Winter Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. By virtually any measure it was success- ful. Not withstanding the fact that several states, many persons from Mexico and Columbia, and several individuals canceled because of travel restrictions due to Covid, we still had great attendance. Over 2300 persons attended the conference, along with good atten- dance from our partners in CLA and CJJA. Many would say the highlight was an autograph or picture or both of Terry Bradshaw, our General Session keynote speaker. But others

James A. Gondles Jr., CAE ACA Executive Director

6 — January/February 2022 Corrections Today

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