Corrections Today Index of Articles 2020
March/April 2020 Facility-wide positive behavior intervention and supports: Concrete visuals for all staff within juvenile facilities, Kristine Jolivette, Ph.D., Nicole C. Swoszowski, Ph.D., Sara Sanders, ED.D., Robin Parks En- nis, Ph.D., Jeffrey R. Sprague, Ph.D., page 20 Revolutionizing the inmate assignment to correctional institutions at PADOC, Mohammad Shahabsafa, Tamás Terlaky, Anshul Sharma, and Kristofer Bret Bucklen, page 36 The newest danger that correctional institutions face, Albert Deamicis, MPIA, MPPM, page 28 Writing the Way to Regeneration: How the Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop (MPWW) is instilling hope in incarcerated inmates , Skylar Mitchell, page 44 May/June 2020 ACA celebrates historic international accreditations in a historic year , Floyd Nelson, page 34 Correctional composting: An ambitious goal, Lois Fegan, Carolyn Leamond, and Max Thoreson, page 38 Council in Session: How the Center for Council teaches inmates em- pathy, authenticity and accountability, Alexander Carrigan, page 44 The Psychology of COVID-19: How to manage your mental health and take back control , Dean Aufderheide, Ph.D. and Elizabeth Gondles, Ph.D., page 8 Trauma informed principles in correctional care: Understanding gen- der differences, Randy Shively, Ph.D. and Linda Janes, page 54 July/August 2020 Mexico: en el camino hacia un mejor sistema (on the road to achieving a better system) , Floyd Nelson and Eli Mendoza, page 28 National Law Museum offers corrections a ‘unique opportunity to con- nect’ , Robyn Small, page 36 “Video Visitation” is a great tool for social distancing, Juan Diasgra- nados, page 34 September/October 2020 Finding and keeping a job: Advice from formerly incarcerated employ- ees , Araceli Ochoa, M.A. and Rachel Deckard, B.A., page 38 Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison , Molly Law, M.A., page 26
2020Winter Conference May/June 2020 “As a profession, we shine”: Networking and reaffirmation at the Health Care Network Reception , Skylar Mitchell, page 69 California dreamin’ of winning big! , Skylar Mitchell, page 84 Escaping the cold at the ACA Winter Conference in San Diego , Alex- ander Carrigan, page 64 Perusing the newest services and products in corrections , Alexander Carrigan, page 74 Policies and Resolutions , page 85 Recognizing excellence , Skylar Mitchell, page 79 “The more you serve, the more you get”: Ret. Special Agent Timothy Ballard speaks at the ACA General Session , Alexander Carrigan, page 75 “The opposite of addiction is relationship”: Judge Duane Sloan speaks about the opioid crisis at the Health Care Special Session and Luncheon, Alexander Carrigan, page 73 “You are a leader when you decide to be”: Shannon Huffman Polson gives the address at the ACA Annual Luncheon, Alexander Carrigan, page 81 Features January/February 2020 50 Years of Excellence: How one warden dedicated 50 years to the field of corrections , Alexander Carrigan, page 28 Are we training our staff to fail? Revisioning staff training , John A. Shuford, MBA, Ed.S., page 32 Correctional Professionals: Today’s greatest public servants , Gary C. Mohr Jane Austen behind bars: Teaching the humanities to increase human- ity , Molly Law, M.A., page 22
54 — January/February 2021 Corrections Today
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