
Membership & Customer Service


Check out ACA’s membership opportunities for 2021

By Vincent Ryan

I n a year when most of us are finding new ways to spend our free time indoors and without large gatherings, many are taking time to learn new skills or get a jump on projects they’ve put off in the past. ACA members around the world have had a great opportunity to grow their skills and learn about the latest technologies and practices being used in

keep their ACA mem- bership active for many years rack up hundreds of dollars in discounted registration. ACA is also proud to partner with insurers, car rental agen- cies, and business travel services companies; even more savings for the cor- rections professional on the go! ACA is always creat- ing new courses and new resources for our


administering Medication-Assisted Treatment, you can find courses taught by the leading experts in the field. As you take more courses and grow your knowledge of exemplary correctional practices, the savings you receive will grow and you can get on your way to becoming a Certi- fied Corrections Professional or one of our many other certifications. The savings don’t stop with certification courses. ACA members also enjoy discounted registration for our regular, on-site ACA confer- ences held twice per year. Those who

correctional systems. We hope that as a new year begins, you tell your colleagues and friends about the new opportunities they will have when they join ACA for the low price of $35 per year. One benefit ACA members receive is discounted registration for our wide range of Professional Development courses. Whether you are a supervisor looking to make daily operations run smoothly, or a health care professional learning the most up-to-date procedures for

members. Those who keep up with Corrections Today magazine, the ACA Connect newsletter, and the Corrections Daily media summaries will understand what is happening in their state, throughout the coun- try. and around the world. With new information coming every day, you may find yourself inspired to start a new initiative, change policies and procedures in your programs and op- erations, or create a new partnership with organizations you might never have considered.

50 — January/February 2021 Corrections Today

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