
A rizona is well suited to benefit from its 1115 demonstration waiver requested from CMS because it already has a robust justice-in volved reentry initiative called the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Program , which is emerging as an archetype of successful reentry programs that can serve as a template for other states to emulate. The health of justice-involved populations has be come a priority for the federal government and over a dozen states. These populations have disproportionately worse health outcomes and higher health care costs rela tive to the general population. 1 Additionally, the majority of people involved with the criminal justice system are Medicaid eligible. 2 California was the first state to receive approval of a reentry 1115 waiver to allow for the use of federally matched Medicaid dollars to pay for reentry services for individuals who are incarcerated. 1115 dem onstrations give states additional flexibility to design and improve their programs by piloting new, innovative approaches to their Medicaid programs. Fourteen other states, including Arizona (AZ, KY, MA, MT, NH, NJ, NM, NY, OR, RI, UT, VT, WA, and WV), have pending requests to CMS for similar incar ceration reentry waiver authority approval. 3

RSAT is emerging as an archetype of successful reen try programs that can serve as a template for other states to emulate. – Initial data show the RSAT reoffend rate of 13% (n=235) is statistically significantly lower than the statewide Arizona recidivism rate of 36.3% 4 (n = 7536) by 64% ( P < .001; z-test). (The reoffend rate was generated using data from 235 RSAT program graduates dating back to November 2021; the nu merator for the reoffend rate was defined as those who have reoffended, absconded or violated their parole.) – By breaking the cycle of incarceration, the RSAT program is demonstrating a meaningful financial re turn on investment (ROI) with an estimated 3-year ROI of $4.7 million per 235 RSAT graduates. 5 The Figure below shows how RSAT can simultane ously generate positive social and economic outcomes in the long run. This article explores the key elements contributing to the program’s success and implications for reentry strategies nationwide.

Cost-Effectiveness of RSAT Program

Arizona: Adobe Stock/AnaGost; Break the Cycle art: Adobe Stock/iQoncept

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