FEBRUARY IS #BLACKHISTORYMONTH Call for article and photo submissions for the Winter issue of Corrections Today!
A s we approach Black History Month, the field of corrections. We invite you to contribute photos and articles that highlight the experiences, challenges and achievements within this vital sector, as well as success stories of initiatives and individuals aimed at improving diversity, equity and inclusion within correctional institutions. Corrections Today is proud to honor the rich history, significant contributions and impactful stories of African Americans in Submission Guidelines: – ARTICLES: Should be between 800-2,000 words. Please include a brief bio and a photo of the author(s) and any relevant affiliations. – PHOTOS: Submit high-resolution images (300 dpi or higher) with appropriate captions and credits. Include a brief description of the photo’s context and significance. – FORMAT: All submissions should be in MSWord format for articles, and JPEG format for photos (as individual attachments, not pasted into MSWord). – DEADLINE: Please submit your articles and photos by Sept. 15, 2024. – HOW TO SUBMIT: Email your submissions to with the subject line “Black History Month”.
Your stories, insights and visuals are crucial in high lighting the significant impact of African Americans in corrections. Whether it’s a compelling article, a power ful photograph or a personal story, your submissions will help us create a meaningful tribute that honors the past, recognizes the present and envisions a more inclu sive future for corrections. For any questions or further information, please contact Kirk Raymond, Director of Communications and Publications, at (703) 224-0193.
Submit your #BlackHistoryMonth articles and photos by Sept. 15, 2024 to
Photo courtesy Florida Department of Corrections
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