Executive Office
Committee News
Spotlight on the ACA Sustainability Committee O ne of the many perks of American Correctional As- sociation (ACA) membership –– Economic: Reducing operating expenses, finding physical plant or capital investment opportuni-
interested in the following areas is welcome to join: –– Programs that support vocational skill building, cognitive behav- ioral therapy, trauma-informed principles, reentry, health, men- tal health & wellness –– Innovative and resourceful physical plant or agricultural improvements –– Reducing operating costs –– Networking with a diverse portfolio of corrections pro- fessionals in many different sectors! Contact Lois Fegan, Committee Chair, at lois.fegan@vadoc.virginia. gov for more information about the committee and details about our next meeting.
is the opportunity to help shape the future of corrections by participat- ing in committees! For the past decade, the Sustainability Oriented & Environmentally Responsible Practices committee (Sustainability Committee) has grown exponentially and supports a unique blend of line staff, correctional leaders, academ- ics, nonprofits and business partners. Its members have contributed to the development and implementation of innovate programs all across the country, touching all sectors of our vast corrections family. The Sustainability Committee supports initiatives in the corrections field that foster four critical areas:
ties, maximizing use of existing resources and generating new revenue streams –– Environmental: Conservation, protection of natural resources, and training in green jobs –– Social: Creating prosocial op- portunities for incarcerated or formerly incarcerated citizens via programs, job opportuni- ties, and a purpose driven life –– Security: Safer alternatives to operating requirements You don’t need to work in the en- vironmental or sustainability sectors to benefit from participating in the Sustainability Committee! Anyone
The ACA Nominating Committee needs your help! T he ACA Nominating Committee is looking for your candidate suggestions for the ACA 2022 Election. There are four categories: ACA Offi - According to the bylaws, all candidates must hold a Professional 1, Professional II or Executive Gold Membership in ACA. Your help is essential to fill the positions with experienced and qualified individuals. Don’t delay — the deadline is April 1, 2022. We look forward to hearing from you! cer, Board of Governors, Commission on Accreditation for Corrections aand Delegate Assembly. Please use the form on the next page to nominate a candidate(s) that you feel would be a great fit for the position.
74 — March/April 2022 Corrections Today
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