From Jim’s Desk nEWS&vIEWS
Are you in a funk?
we exhibit today versus two or three years ago. Many experts in the men- tal health field have weighed into this issue, many of whom believe we are, indeed, in a depressed state of mind. And why wouldn’t we be? Kids not learning as well as the classroom? The four walls of the liv- ing room or dining room or kitchen or bedroom disguised as our office, all the while those four walls clos- ing in? The lack of enjoying friends and family at a terrific and favorite Italian or Mexican or American restaurant? Continuing to put off that dream of a lifetime trip to some far away exotic land? Throw into the mix sickness and death of friends, family, co-workers and neighbors. It’s hard to imagine how life can return to what many people now refer to as the “new normal”. Nor- mal or new normal: kids, parents, grandparents, friends, neighbors, co-workers and the general public yearn for a return of that normalcy, whatever that is.
I’ve always tried to approach life as seeing the glass half-full, not half- empty. Haven’t succeeded always. Hard sometimes to see the full side without getting over the empty side. As I have aged, I have tried to look to tomorrow if the Good Lord gives me a tomorrow, in addition to the half full glass. And while I’m not saying these rosy outlooks on life are a panacea for the funk, they help me to get through the misery of COVID-19 in our daily lives. I believe pretty strongly that our days ahead will be brighter and better. While I cannot tell anyone to do as I do, I can ask everyone to give it a try. Tomorrow try to have a half glass of good cheer, whatever you consider that cheer to be!
M uch has been made about the many alleged changes we have made individu- ally and collectively as Americans since the beginning of the CO- VID-19 pandemic. No doubt there have been changes; as this is being written a significant section of the Federal Government continues to work from home, as does many large corporations and companies. In dif- ferent places throughout the nation, kids are continuing to “learn” re- motely. More people purchase carry out from their favorite restaurants than go inside, sit down and order. Fewer persons travel in airplanes than two years ago. Yes, there are major changes to our everyday lives. Another much discussed, debated, analyzed and focused upon segment of our lives is the mental attitude
James A. Gondles Jr., CAE ACA Executive Director
6 — March/April 2022 Corrections Today
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