2024 American Correctional Association Election Booklet



President-Elect (1 Position)

Marina Cadreche (FL) Regional Mental Health Director Centurion Health

Dr. Marina Cadreche began her 20-year corrections career in Tennessee, where she served as Assistant Commissioner of Rehabilitative Services for the TDOC. She is currently the Regional Mental Health Director for Centurion Health in Florida. Cadreche received her Doctorate in Psychology from Albizu University in Florida. Cadreche is a long-time member of the American Correctional Association (ACA), has published in Corrections Today, chaired the Behavioral

Health Committee, and served as the Tennessee representative at the Coalition for Health Authorities (CCHA). She is now an Associate Member of the CCHA. She also provided training on best international correctional practices based on the ACA International Correctional Core Standards in Colombia, El Salvador and Argentina. Since 2015, she has served as Health Commissioner of Accreditation, on ACA Board of Governors, and on the Performance Stan dards Committee.

Tyrone Oliver (GA) Commissioner Georgia Department of Corrections

Tyrone Oliver served as Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice, and served in various roles locally, starting in 1999, at the Newton County Sheriff’s Office, Brookhaven Police Department, and Social Circle PD as Chief of Police. Oliver is currently the Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Corrections. His background in criminal justice encompasses adult, juvenile, and county corrections. He serves as the current Vice President of the American Correctional Association, served as Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Council of Juvenile Justice Admin istrators (CJJA), served on the State Workforce Development Board, and serves on Gov. Kemp appointed Board of Peace Officer Annuity and Benefit Fund and Georgians for Refuge, Action, Compassion, and Education Commission.

Vice President (1 Position)

Bryan Collier (TX) Executive Director Texas Department of Criminal Justice

Bryan Collier has over 39 years of adult correctional experience beginning his career with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in 1985 as a Clerk. He has held a wide variety of positions to include Correctional Officer, Parole Officer, Section Director, Parole Division Director, and Deputy Executive Director. Collier is currently the Executive Director of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. He has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminology and Corrections from Sam Houston State University. Collier is an active member of the American Correctional Association serving on the Board of Gover nors and as Vice-Chair of the Performance-Based Standards Committee.


2024 ACA Election

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