2024 ACA Nashville Program Book_154th Congress of Correction


THURSDAY, AUG. 15 8-9:30 A.M. Second Chance Success: Empowering Lives through Education and Employment Room 201-A This workshop explores the critical role of educational and vocational programs in correctional facilities and their significance in fostering successful rehabilitation and reintegration of incarcerated individuals into society. Relevant skills training, academic education and support are vital in preparing returning citizens for employment post-incarceration. In turn, educational and vocational programs have a positive impact on breaking the cycle of recidivism, reducing crime rates and creating a safer, more productive community. Moderator: Jessica Artz , Chief Human Resource Officer, ViaPath Technologies, Falls Church, Virginia Speakers: Jessica Artz , Chief Human Resource Officer, ViaPath Technologies, Falls Church, Virginia; Shirley Moore Smeal , Deputy Secretary (retired)/Consultant, Pennsylvania Department of Corrections, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania; Dawn-Renee Smith , Deputy Director — Rehabilitative Services, Nebraska Department of Correctional Services, Lincoln, Nebraska DON’T FORGET TO VISIT THE SPONSORING BOOTHS IN THE EXHIBIT HALL TO GET YOUR TICKETS STAMPED FOR SUNDAY’S GRAND PRIZE DRAWING — YOU COULD WIN A TRIP!

Gender, Justice, and Jobs: Tailoring Gender-Responsive Employment Programming for Justice-Involved Women and Lessons Learned from Second Chance Act Grantees [CEU] Room 201-B Every year, around 2.5 million women and girls are released from jails and prisons. formerly incarcerated women are more likely to be unemployed or homeless than formerly incarcerated men. Recognizing the unique challenges and barriers that women face within the criminal legal system, this workshop is designed to equip stakeholders with knowledge, skills and strategies to develop and implement employment programs that are not only responsive to gender-specific needs but are effective in improving women’s reintegration in their communities and the workforce. A Second Chance Act grantee from Baltimore, Maryland will share successes from their women’s reentry and workforce development program and detail how they were able to successfully reduce the program recidivism rate to 8% compared to the city average of over 76%. Another Second Chance Act grantee from Topeka, Kansas will describe their enduring interagency collaboration between the Department of Commerce and the Department of Corrections to increase post-release employment opportunities in the only women’s facility in Kansas. The workshop will conclude with a discussion moderated by staff from the Bureau of Justice Assistance. Moderator: Andre Bethea , Senior Policy Advisor, U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Washington, D.C. Yet, they have fewer options for reentry programs provided to them. Moreover,

Thursday, Aug. 15 ▼ 8–9:30 a.m.


72 — ACA 154 th Congress of Correction | Nashville

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