2023 ACA Philadelphia Program Book_153rd Congress of Correction
A-3H Prevention and Reduction of Costs for In-Patient Hospitalizations for
• Explore policy and procedures that address quality standards and infection control in correctional facilities. Moderator: Seth Smith , Chief of Operations, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Speaker: Karissa Page , Justice-Involved Initiatives Program Manager, Louisiana Department of Health, Bureau of Health Services Financing, Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Robert Vehock , M.B.A., Program Manager, Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Baton Rouge, Louisiana A-3I Games Inmates Play: Recognize the Set Up, Slow the Play, End the Games ( Y CE, CE, CERP) Track: Mental Health Room 204-B Inmates often devise sophisticated plans to manipulate staff in order to achieve their goals. Some correctional experts have coined the phrase “games inmates play” to describe the unique circumstances wherein this phenomenon occurs. All correctional staff can be unsuspecting participants in these games, especially those who are new to the profession,
Incarcerated Adults (CE) Track: Multidisciplinary Room 204-A
Review of Medicaid claims data for SFY 18/19–20/21 found, on average, Louisiana Medicaid fee-for-service pays $15 million annually for hospitalizations of incarcerated adults (all incarceration sources) that last 24 or more hours. From SFY 2018 to SFY 2020, 5.3% of adult incarcerated persons were hospitalized for 24 or more hours. Excluding COVID-19, sepsis was the #1 cause of hospitalization. Medicaid spent 2.25 times more on care for females at DOC and 3.89 times more on care for males at DOC than members of the same gender incarcerated elsewhere. Sepsis remained a frequent diagnosis across age groups, as did acute kidney failure, heart disease and incidences related to sickle cell disease. Learning Objectives: • Describe Medicaid eligibility for incarcerated persons.
Thursday, Aug. 10 ▼ 2–3:30 p.m.
• Understand the common reasons for in-patient hospitalizations among incarcerated adults.
ACA Seeks Book Authors Do you have experience in corrections and the desire to inform others about what you have learned? If so, you are a potential ACA author. We are seeking corrections professionals to submit book manuscripts for review and consideration on a variety of subject matter.
Possible topics include • Ethics in corrections. • Effective mental health treatment. • Sex offender monitoring and treatment. • Financial management in corrections. • Programs for long-term offenders. • Staff training. • Greening of corrections: innovative strategies. • Preparing offenders for reentry. • Incarcerated women: reducing recidivism.
Your suggestions for books on other topics are welcome. For more information, please contact 800-222-5646, ext. 0193.
80 — ACA 153 rd Congress of Correction | Philadelphia
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