2023 ACA Philadelphia Program Book_153rd Congress of Correction


Thursday, Aug. 10 ▼ 2–3:30 p.m.

Speakers: Dean Aufderheide , Ph.D., Director, Office of Correctional Mental Health, American Correctional Association, Alexandria, Virginia; Chris Hendry , National Director, Warden Exchange/Prison Fellowship, Tallahassee, Florida; Randy Shively , Psy.D., Director Research and Clinical Development, Alvis, Columbus, Ohio A-3J Preparing for a Multidisciplinary Approach to Mitigate Risk: Implementation of Guidelines for Managing Substance Withdrawal in Jails (CE, CME, CERP) Track: Multidisciplinary Room 204-C Substance use is a major health issue among individuals in custody, and withdrawal from substances can be life-threatening. Jurisdictions have a pressing responsibility to save lives by implementing policies and protocols that align with legal, regulatory and clinical standards related to appropriate withdrawal management. Recently released Guidelines for Managing Substance Withdrawal in Jails sets forth best clinical practices and actionable guidance for jails. Subject matter experts in jail administration and health care will offer information and tools

burnt-out or have become lax and overly confident. Recognizing the games inmates play, therefore, is crucial for staff to respond effectively and avoid the traps set for them. This workshop will give participants the opportunity to identify both common and uncommon games inmates play in their attempts to manipulate medical, mental, health, nursing security and administrative staff. Strategies recommended by correctional psychologists to mitigate inmate manipulation will be presented and, using scenario-based examples, participants will participate in discussing positive ways to successfully manage the games inmates play. Learning Objectives: • Participants will recognize the diverse ways in which inmates try to manipulate staff. • Participants will be able to identify staff risk and protective factors pertinent to vulnerability in being a target of inmate manipulation. • Participants will be able to describe the strategies correctional psychologists recommend for improving the management of the games inmates play. Moderator: Ramona Wheeler , Chief, Human Resources Officer, Alvis, Columbus, Ohio

ACA 153 rd Congress of Correction | Philadelphia — 81

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