2023 ACA Philadelphia Program Book_153rd Congress of Correction

A-1B Building a Wellness Program Track: ACA Resources Room 201-B So, you’re in need of a Wellness Program? This workshop will take you through the beginning steps of building a Wellness Program with limited to no funding and volunteers. We will review barriers to wellness and assess risk to your facility’s functioning. We will discuss how to meet your staff where they are and develop a holistic approach to wellness within your correctional facility. The Army Corrections Brigade Wellness Program can act as a template, ready for you to consider and tailored to fit the needs of your workforce. Learning Objectives: • Assessing wellness and its risk to your facility’s functioning. • Identify barriers to staff wellness and creative strategies to overcome them. • Identify framework for beginning a Wellness Program in a correctional setting. Moderator: Robin Collie , LSCSW, MCC, Directorate of Treatment Programs, Assessment Division, Military Correctional Complex, 15 th Military Police Brigade, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas Speakers: Robin Collie , LSCSW, MCC, Directorate of Treatment Programs, Assessment Division, Military Correctional Complex, 15 th Military Police Brigade, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; Alan Martinez , Captain, Military Correctional Complex, 15 th Military Police Brigade, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; Patricia Weishaar , CCM, Financial Management Certified, Resource Program Manager, Military Correctional Complex, 15 th Military Police Brigade, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas A-1C Inmate Population Stratification through Specialized Prisons Track: Reentry Room 201-C The Florida Department of Corrections (FDC) developed several specialized prison missions to begin stratifying the inmate population with new management strategies and programs. The institutional missions include Short Sentence, Administrative Management and Incentivized.

The primary focus of each mission is designed to meet the needs of those inmates specifically identified, along with meeting the goals of the FDC by providing healthy, sustainable and compassionate environments that are the foundation of our values, and through the implementation of rehabilitative programs that support the continuum of services for inmates and offenders, resulting in a successful transition into the community. Learning Objectives: • Understand the purpose of inmate population stratification through specialized prison missions. • Participants will be able to identify the various tools, methods and programming utilized for the specialized prison mission concept and implementation. • Participants will understand each mission targets a separate inmate population and employs the best techniques available to address the basic needs of that population. • Understand the various techniques, treatments and tools chosen based on the population of the mission. • Identify the special prison missions — Short Sentence, Incentivized and Administrative Management. • Participants will understand the preventative interventions that drive the creation of these specialized missions varies depending on the mission. • The participant will understand the premise and foundation for each specialized prison mission. Moderator: Maggie Agerton , Bureau Chief, Florida DOC, Tallahassee, Florida Speakers: Angela Carter , Correctional Program Administrator, Florida Department of Corrections, Tallahassee, Florida; Nichole M. Landrum , Correctional Program Administrator, Florida Department of Corrections, Tallahassee, Florida; Amber Vargas , Assistant Bureau Chief, Florida Department of Corrections, Tallahassee, Florida

Thursday, Aug. 10 ▼ 8–9:30 a.m.


58 — ACA 153 rd Congress of Correction | Philadelphia

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