2023 ACA Philadelphia Program Book_153rd Congress of Correction
B-1J Understanding the Justice-Involved Veteran ( Y CE, CE) Track: Mental Health Room 204-C This workshop, facilitated by Active-Duty Army officers, will provide correctional professionals with a basic understanding of the general demographics of the Veteran population and explore common background factors that may contribute to offending. Facilitators will highlight both clinical and operational considerations and best practices for working with justice-involved Veterans. Learning Objectives: • Demonstrate understanding of Veteran demographics. • Describe common background and environmental factors that lead to offending. • Discuss best practices for working with justice-involved Veterans. Moderator: Peter Grande , Historian, U.S. Disciplinary Barracks, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas Speakers: Bryon Greene , Battalion Commander, Midwest Joint Regional Correctional Facility, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; Patricia Mashburn , Officer-in-Charge of Rehabilitation, Midwest Joint Regional Correctional Facility, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
This workshop will use video to highlight incidents of extreme behavior. It will provide longitudinal data to show how changes in beliefs and attitudes impact the overall functioning of institutions. The experiences of the Intensive Mental Health Unit and restrictive housing will illustrate how the transition from a punitive environment to one that is relationship focused makes units safer and more secure. Use of force can become a rare rather than common event. Learning Objectives: • Participants will be able to summarize the etiology of extreme behavior in corrections. • Participants will be able to identify the differences between consequences and punishment. • Participants will be able to assess beliefs and attitudes about extreme behavior that contribute to extreme behavior. • Participants will be able to explain how to address extreme behavior systematically. Moderator: Daniel Bannish , Clinical Consultant, Warren, Maine Speakers: Daniel Bannish , Clinical Consultant, Warren, Maine; Evan Touchette , Corrections Unit Manager, Maine Department of Corrections, Augusta, Maine
Friday, Aug. 11 ▼ 8–9:30 a.m.
ACA 153 rd Congress of Correction | Philadelphia — 103
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