2022 ACA New Orleans Program Book_152nd Congress of Correction
10–11:30 a.m.
• Equip offenders with foundation employability skills to improve their prospects for employment upon release. Moderator: Louisa Van Mal , Director Business Engagement, Corrective Services NSW, Sydney, Australia Speakers: Leon Taylor , Assistant Commissioner Corrective Services NSW, Sydney, Australia; Paul Thompson , Sales and Marketing Manager, Sensing Products Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia A-2B Inmate Population Stratification through Specialized Prisons Room 242 Tracks: Prisons/Jails The Florida Department of Corrections (FDC) developed several specialized prison missions to begin stratifying the inmate population with new management strategies and programs. The institutional missions include Short Sentence, Incentivized, and Administrative Management. The primary focus of each mission is designed to meet the needs for those inmates specifically identified, along with meeting the goals of the FDC by providing healthy, sustainable and compassionate environments that are the foundation of our values, and through implementation of rehabilitative programs that support continuum of services for inmates and offenders, resulting in a successful transition into the community. Learning Objectives: 1.Participants will be able to understand the purpose of inmate population stratification through specialized prison missions and identify the various tools, methods and programming utilized for the specialized prison mission concept and implementation. 2.Participants will be able to understand the various techniques, treatments and tools chosen based on the population of the mission, identify the special prison missions-Short Sentence, Incentivized, and Administrative Management and be able to explain the difference between each of the special prison mission’s goals.
A-2A An Australian Solution to the Aerial Introduction of Contraband into Correctional Facilities Room 239 Tracks: Prisons/Jails The presence of contraband in prisons is a major issue for all correctional authorities. One of the most difficult methods of contraband detection is items thrown over fences or dropped by drones. This workshop will explore how Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW), a State Government correctional department in Australia, developed a solution to the problem of airborne-introduced contraband. The solution — the Osprey Small Airborne Object Radar, was developed as part of a CSNSW joint initiative with external company Sensing Products and the University of Sydney. The presentation covers the technical and commercial challenges that were overcome, and the immediate and long term benefits the solution is designed to provide. Learning Objectives: 1.Understand how the technical challenges of developing a custom Radar and Artificial Intelligence based solution for the detection of small airborne objects were met. 2.Understand how interaction with small to medium enterprise businesses can enable a correctional jurisdiction to overcome security issues when no existing solution is available within the market. 3.Understand how involvement by the industries division of a correctional department can use a joint development initiative to advance its cores aims of: • Contributing to the security, safety
Workshops Thursday, Aug. 4 t 10–11:30 a.m.
and humanity of corrections by providing meaningful work for offenders. • Advancing the economic good
order of Corrective Services through managing cost-effective operations based on a rigorous culture of commercial intensity.
70 — ACA 152 nd Congress of Correction
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