2022 ACA New Orleans Program Book_152nd Congress of Correction
2.Participants will be able to identify key components of staff wellness programs that can improve recruitment and retention. 3.Participants will be able to demonstrate understanding of how correctional associations, external government agencies and universities can assist with developing sustainable wellness programs. Moderator: Ruby Qazilbash , MPA, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Acting Deputy Director, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. Speakers: Dean Aufderheide , Ph.D., Director of Mental Health, Office of Correctional Health, American Correctional Association, Alexandria, Virginia; Sonya Gillespie , Chief, Denver Sheriff Administration, Denver, Colorado; Todd Ishee , Commissioner of Prisons, North Carolina Department of Public Safety, Raleigh, North Carolina This workshop will provide a detailed overview of the FBI’s NGI Iris Service capabilities, a description of the program’s short and long-term goals and successes that have resulted in the initial year of the program. Participants will be provided with a background on the NGI Iris Service, current use cases for identification validation, as well as best practices for iris image collection. This workshop will also provide information and specifications necessary for agencies interested in participating in the NGI’s Iris Service. Learning Objectives: 1.Understand the importance of capturing this new biometric capability during the intake booking process. 2.Describe the value-added benefits of using the iris biometric’s enrollment and search capabilities for identification validation. 3.Describe the technology needed to use the iris biometric Moderator: Joseph E. Gower , Management and Program Analyst, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, D.C. A-1G The Eyes Have It Room 254 Tracks: Jails (FBI)
Speaker: Joseph E. Gower , Management and Program Analyst, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, D.C. A-1H Pregnancy Management and Prison Nurseries: Three Current State Models (CE-RN, CME) Room 257 Track: Nursing Sponsored by the CCHA Special Populations Working Group This workshop is sponsored by the Special Populations Working Group of the Coalition of Correctional Health Authorities. Presenters from Alabama, Indiana and Ohio will discuss how their respective agencies manage pregnant individuals during incarceration. The workshop will also cover service delivery associated with prison nursery programs to include eligibility criteria, program components and potential implementation challenges. Additional topics of discussion will include use of Doula services, lactation services, and supportive programming. Participants will learn about strategies, key stakeholder relationships and potential legal liabilities to consider when advancing plans related to management of this special population. Learning Objectives: 1.Participants will be able to compare and contrast three approaches to pregnancy management. 2.Participants will be able to verbalize key components of a prison nursery program. 3.Participants will be able to identify programming options in support of a pregnant population. Moderator: Stuart Hudson , Assistant Director, Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, Columbus, Ohio Speakers: Kristen Dauss , M.D., Chief Medical Officer, Indiana Department of Correction, Indianapolis, Indiana; Kelly Mautz , Ph.D., MPA, CRC, ALC, Deputy Commissioner, Alabama Department of Corrections, Montgomery, Alabama; Jennifer Urra , RN, BA, Deputy Director, Office of Holistic Services, Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, Columbus, Ohio
Thursday, Aug. 4 t 8:15–9:45 a.m.
ACA 152 nd Congress of Correction — 67
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