2022 ACA New Orleans Program Book_152nd Congress of Correction
Sunday, Aug. 7 t 10–11:30 a.m.
recognizing inmate manipulation strategies associated with PREA. Moderator: Dr. Valerie Wolfe Mahfood , Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Beaumont, Texas Speaker: Dr. Valerie Wolfe Mahfood , Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Beaumont, Texas D-1B “False” or Unfounded Investigative Findings: How do You Know? Room 242 Track: Jails Sexual abuse and sexual harassment investigations are complex investigations made even more challenging in confinement settings. It is common for allegations of sexual abuse and sexual harassment to be found “false” when in fact a thorough and comprehensive investigation can lead to a finding that discerns the difference between unfounded with mitigating circumstances and “bad faith” (false) allegations of sexual abuse and sexual harassment. An experienced investigator with a strong knowledge about how and why sexual abuse manifests in confinement can help get at the core of why sexual abuse allegations are made and how to mitigate and address reporting of unfounded allegations that may incorrectly be determined to be “false”. Learning Objectives: 1.Explain the difference between unfounded sexual abuse and sexual harassment
10-11:30 a.m.
D-1A Regression Analysis of the Prison Rape Elimination Act on the Tolerance of Rape Culture in Texas Prisons Room 239 Track: Prisons Federal law requires adherence to the PREA standards. Texas initially opposed PREA. When TDCJ did implement PREA, it made sweeping changes. This research examines if those changes were effective at not only reducing sexual violence, but also at eliminating the tolerance of rape culture within the prison system. TDCJ was chosen as a flagship agency for the study of prison rape culture for several reasons: it has the largest correctional population in America, TDCJ has a known history of deliberate indifference toward sexual violence and its initial refusal to adopt PREA. A linear regression analysis of TDCJ PREA data reflects PREA standards have helped to eliminate the centuries old believe that rape is simply a part of the prison sentence. Learning Objectives: 1.Understand the historic role that tolerance of rape culture has played in prison environments. 2.Identify how changing that tolerance creates a safer working environment for staff. 3.Identify prison management benefits to implementing robust PREA programs while
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