2019 ACA Boston Program Book_149th Congress of Correction
services; and learn how to educate employers and the community about the importance of assisting. Moderator: Andrea Thompson, Assistant Deputy Director for Programs, Reentry and Rehabilitative Services, South Carolina Department of Corrections, Columbia, South Carolina Speakers: Nena Staley, Dep. Director, South Carolina Department of Corrections, Columbia, South Carolina; Bryan P. Stirling, Director, South Carolina Department of Corrections, Columbia, South Carolina
B-1G Empowering Reentry Initiatives with Community Partnerships and Stakeholder
Involvement Room 206 By establishing community partners as cornerstones within your reentry program, not only will offenders learn new skills and have opportunities to help them succeed, but the community partners will benefit by having candidates for employment that are skilled and ready to work. The reality is that 85% of offenders currently incarcerated will be released within five years, returning to our communities. Do we want an offender to return to our neighborhoods as a person who has changed, or with the same mindset they had when they first entered the system? Corrections has a responsibility to provide programming and rehabilitative services that will increase the probability that offenders leaving prison will be successful members of society. Objectives: Participants will be able to learn the importance of workforce and chamber of commerce connections; learn how partnering with a reentry coalition can bridge the gaps in
B-1H Introducing Science-Based Programs in Prisons: The Butterfly Effect
Workshops Sunday, Aug. 4 t 8–9:30 a.m.
Room 209 Oregon, California, Washington, Indiana, Ohio and elsewhere provide job training, environmental literacy and increased post-release recovery. Science-based and evidence-based approaches provide solid ground for reducing violence, addressing racism and preparing program participants for prosocial lives. This workshop will
84 — ACA 149 th Congress of Correction
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