2019 ACA Boston Program Book_149th Congress of Correction

serious behavioral and somatic problems, including staff burnout and turnover, leaving facilities unsafe. This workshop identifies those risks and underlying research, and then moves on to solution-focused strategies to manage the impact of this trauma. Three psychologists present: research on exposure to trauma for correctional officers; existing strategies for buffering against that stress; how to incorporate wellness into existing training; examples of innovative assistance programs; and specific examples of our work supporting officers/deputies. Objectives: By the end of the workshop, participants will able to describe the toxic stress and risks of working in correctional settings; identify methods of incorporating wellness into training and providing innovative assistance; and articulate specific examples of how wellness can be applied in corrections. Moderator: Marc Richman, Ph.D., Bureau Chief, Delaware Department of Correction, Dover, Delaware Speakers: E. Carolina Montoya, Psy.D., Mental Health Services Manager, Miami-Dade Corrections and Rehabilitation Department, Miami, Florida; Robin Timme, Psy.D., Chief Psychologist, Connections Community Support Programs, Wilmington, Delaware Room 210 This course is to help non-dental administrators understand staffing, production and supply/equipment needs in a dental clinic. To improve function and efficiency, you must understand how the operations work and the challenges they face. We will address staffing and how different staffing models can influence your production. Reasonable expectations for production/patient flow will be discussed. Ways to cut your supplies and equipment costs will be presented. Objectives: Participants will be able to understand different scheduling models and set reasonable production expectations for a dental clinic; offer potential ways to cut and A-3D Supervising Dental Services in Corrections (CE/CME/CERP)

manage supply/equipment costs; and assess current staffing models to ensure adequate coverage for needed production. Moderator: Juana Cavinder, DDS, Chief Dental Officer, FCC Victorville, Federal Bureau of Prisons, Victorville, California  Speaker: Karen Street, DDS, Regional Dental Director, Texas Tech University Health Science Center, Iowa Park, Texas County Jails (CE/CME/CERP) Room 308 This workshop will discuss the rising population of mental health patients that exhibit grave disabilities, and implementation of a court-ordered medication process to address increasing need for competency restoration and treat severe mental illness in the behavioral health population. We will also discuss challenges we have encountered implementing this program and resolutions initiated to promote best practices and effective care. Objectives: Participants will be able to identify legal and ethical issues to consider when implementing the program, petitioning the court to commence involuntary medications to restore competency; discuss staffing needs, policy/ procedure changes and education of health care and correctional staff; monitor compliance of court orders from civil commitment and filing for renewal of court orders; and implement processes for smooth transition of care between jail and community partners. Moderator: Patrick Firman, CCE, Sherriff, Denver Sheriff Department, Denver, Colorado Speakers: Carmen Kassatly, RN, BSN, CCHP, Health Services Administrator, Denver Sheriff’s Department, Denver, Colorado; Sasha Rai, M.D., Attending Physician, Forensic Psychiatry Service, Denver Health Director, Correctional Behavioral Health, Denver Sheriff’s Department, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, Colorado; Carol Rogers, RN, BSN, CCHP, Nurse Manager, Denver Sheriff Health Services, Denver, Colorado A-3E Providing Safe and Effective Involuntary Psychiatric Treatment in Denver City and


Saturday, Aug. 3 t 2–3:30 p.m.

ACA 149 th Congress of Correction — 71

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