2019 ACA Boston Program Book_149th Congress of Correction
*Union Supply Group, Booth #701 L.D. Hay Executive Vice President 2301 E. Pacifica Place Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220 Phone: 310-604-4642 Fax: 310-603-1314 Email: ldhay@unionsupplygroup.com Web Address: www.UnionSupplyGroup.com Union Supply Group is one of the largest commissary providers, emphasizing security, innovation and value for over 25 years. Providing food, apparel, footwear, personal care and electronics exclusively to the corrections industry. U.S. Department of State, Booth #1118 Carmen Hills Program Officer 600 19 th St.
University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) — Correctional Managed Care,
Booth #203 Kevin Martin Human Resources 301 University Galveston, TX 77555-1204 Phone: 409-747-2694 Email: kelmarti@utmb.edu Web Address: www.utmb.edu/cmc
UTMB – Correctional Managed Care provides managed health care for offenders in more than 100 adult and juvenile correctional facilities throughout the state. We offer medical, dental and health services to more than 126,000 patients or some 80% of the state’s inmate population.
Upstreem, Booth #832 Pierre Blondeau CEO
Washington, D.C. 20006 Email: consnot@state.gov Web Address: travel.state.gov/cna
Rue De Gosselies 13/9 Jumet, Belgium 6040 Phone: (+32) 475-988-633 Email: pierre.blondeau@upstreem.co Web Address: www.upstreem.co Upstreem offers an innovative electronic offender monitoring system based on a communicating wrist-worn bracelet. Upstreem makes electronic monitoring more humane, more secure and more efficient.
Find out about U.S. authorities’ obligation to provide notification when arresting or detaining a foreign national.
* Unitex Direct, Booth #1404 Daniel Mendelson President 8226 Goldie St. Walled Lake, MI 48390 Phone: 800-682-1606, Ext: 236 Fax: 248-360-9211 Email: dan@unitexdirect.com
* Vant4ge, Booth #219 Rob Openshaw P.O. Box 1802 Salt Lake City, UT 84110 Phone: 801-833-9779
Web Address: www.unitexdirect.com Since 1992 Unitex Direct has focused on solving the many uniform problems facing buyers, including correctional departments and public safety and security organizations. With poor quality being a common complaint, we’ve established the Unitex direct guarantee: If anything a client buys from us doesn’t meet their standards, we’ll replace it.
Email: ropenshaw@vant4ge.com Web Address: www.vant4ge.com
Vant4ge delivers validated tools for every phase of rehabilitative life cycle. With deep industry experience, we bring evidence-based frameworks, cutting-edge technology and predictive analytics to create solutions tailor-made for your organization — for better outcomes.
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