2019 ACA Boston Program Book_149th Congress of Correction

Speaker: Mayumi Doty, LCSW, Program Manager, Middlesex Sheriff’s Office, Billerica, Massachusetts; Carly Wilson, LICSW, Case Manager/Care Coordinator, Bedford VA Medical Center, Bedford, Massachusetts

D-1I Piloting Public Assistance Partnerships: Increased Access to Benefits Pre- and Post-Release Room 209 In 2017, a dynamic partnership between the Minnesota Department of Corrections and Human Services agencies launched a pilot to process financial and health care benefits

D-1H Accepting an Evidenced-Based Practice Mentality


Tuesday, Aug. 6 t 8:30–10 a.m.

pre-release for higher-risk offenders in order to provide eligible access to services on day one post-release. This workshop will highlight planning and implementation phases, challenges and successes as well as outcomes collected to date. Objectives: Buy-in for prioritizing high-risk offenders; why should benefits be prioritized for inmates — community and agency concerns; navigating challenges and successes of a pilot program — working outside of the box; processing outcomes and sustainability; and what is the good news? the bad news? and everything in between! Moderator: Kelley Heifort, Minnesota Department of Corrections Community Director, St. Paul, Minnesota Speakers: Siham Hussein, Minnesota Department of Health Services Program Eligibility Coordinator, Minnesota Department of Health Services, St. Paul, Minnesota; Bridget Letnes, Minnesota Department of Corrections Facilities Reentry Manager, Minnesota Department of Corrections, St. Paul, Minnesota; Paul Waldhart, Minnesota Department of Health Services Evaluation, Research and Measurement Specialist, Minnesota Department of Health Services, St. Paul, Minnesota

Room 207 Organizational development is required to successfully move from traditional supervision to evidence-based practice. This is the internal strategy for implementing and sustaining evidence-based practices within the agency. The shift from traditional correctional practices to evidence-based practices requires us, as the professionals and the system as whole, to change its way of thinking. Organizations must rethink their missions and values, gain new knowledge and skills, adjust their infrastructure to support this new way of doing business and transform their organizational culture. This is what we will discuss in this workshop. Objectives: Staff will be familiar with the Eight-Principles of Effective Intervention and the Stages of Change; participants will learn specific ways to create staff buy-in to organizational change by addressing staff attitudes and beliefs; and staff will learn the importance and strategies to creating a new vision, mission, policies and procedures to align their agency with evidence-based practices. Moderator: Shannon Bowling, Duvall Residential Center Manager, Marion County Community Corrections, Indianapolis, Indiana Speakers: Shannon Bowling, Duvall Residential Center Manager, Marion County Community Corrections, Indianapolis, Indiana; Laurel Reed, Operations Manager, Marion County Community Corrections, Indianapolis, Indiana

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