2019 ACA Boston Program Book_149th Congress of Correction
C-2G Resentencing Juvenile Lifers and Preparation for Reentry Room 209 The juvenile lifer population in Pennsylvania includes individuals that have already served 50 to 60 plus years of their sentence. Reentry for these individuals can
C-2H Correctional Employee Wellness and Suicide (CE/CME/CERP) Room 206 This workshop will cover the broad spectrum of staff health, wellness and safety for correctional
employees. Presentations and discussion will be focused on support of correctional professionals through the Massachusetts Department of Correction’s (MA DOC) Employee Assistance Service Unit (EASU). The EASU is an innovative, dynamic, peer-support led, clinically guided program. Results and preliminary findings from two research partnerships between MA DOC and Northeastern University will be presented on correctional officer stress and the latter, in progress, on correctional officer wellness and suicide. The current study includes family interviews, focus groups with key personnel and other methods in developing case studies of officers who committed suicide. Objectives: Participants will be able to understand the impact of working in a prison that can greatly affect one’s wellbeing; apply research to integrate policy changes affecting staff’s quality of life and learn how to successfully implement an effective, internal, correctional-specific EAP. Moderator: Rhiana Kohl, Ph.D., Executive Director of Strategic Planning & Research, Massachusetts Department of Correction, Milford, Massachusetts Speakers: Natasha Frost, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts; Carlos Monteiros, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Suffolk University, Boston, Massachusetts; Dianne L. Moynihan, LICSW, Employee Assistance Services Unit Director, Massachusetts Department of Correction, Milford, Massachusetts
be proven successful. The Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (PA DOC) has successfully released almost 200 of their 520 active cases. Preparation for release of these cases begins inside the institution with programming, assessments, support services, reentry-focused workshops and more. Upon release, the list of eligible services expands to include treatment placement, employment and housing assistance, mentoring and family reunification, peer support and community-based support, to name a few. This workshop will focus specifically upon the targeted reentry-focused offerings provided to this population. Objectives: Understand the court cases leading up to the release of offenders sentenced to life as juveniles; understand the importance and effectiveness of preparation for release of long-term offenders; and understand reentry workshops, services and activities offered through the PA DOC. Moderator: Therese Valliere-Fanrak, Center Director, Pennsylvania Bureau of Community Corrections, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Speakers: Jacqueline Rupert, Center Director, Pennsylvania Bureau of Community Corrections, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Therese Valliere-Fanrak, Center Director, Pennsylvania Bureau of Community Corrections, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Workshops Monday, Aug. 5 t 4–5:30 p.m.
Don’t forgeT to get your ticket stamped for Tuesday’s Grand Prize Drawing. You could win A Brand New Car!
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