2019 ACA Boston Program Book_149th Congress of Correction
Family Services, Renssealer, New York Speakers: Ines Nieves, Deputy Commissioner, NYS Office of Children and Family Services, Renssealer, New York; Joseph Tomassone, Ph.D., Acting Associate Commissioner, NYS Office of Children and Family Services, Renssealer, New York
C-1C Treatment, Security and Safety in Juvenile Justice Settings: Implications for Programming, System Interventions and Staff Training (CE/CME) Room 210 While juvenile justice systems share many common goals, they face unique challenges, and have differing resources and expectations. To address the impacts of trauma on youth in juvenile justice care, many jurisdictions have moved to infuse their systems with trauma-sensitive programs and treatment interventions. During this system transformation, there are often friction points as staff and administrators struggle to understand, define and explain the relationships between treatment, overall program security and perceived safety. This workshop will provide a context for participants to discuss those relationships and explore ideas for training staff to implement treatment-focused and effective juvenile justice programs in a manner which creates and maintains safety. Objectives: Participants will be able to describe the concepts of “security,” “safety” and “treatment” as they apply to juvenile justice settings in an elaborated fashion; discuss the relationships between treatment, security and safety; and generate some ideas of how to use the presentation in formation in their home jurisdictions to promote increased staff understanding and performance. Moderator: Ines Nieves, Deputy Commissioner, NYS Office of Children and
Workshops Monday, Aug. 5 t 2–3:30 p.m.
C-1D Electronics in Corrections: Past, Present and Future Room 201 Sponsored by the Corrections Security Operations Committee This workshop will focus on the impact that electronics have had on corrections and how we have adapted over time. Over the past
two decades corrections has gone from the approach that offenders should not be allowed access to electronics to where most correctional facilities are today. This workshop will spark some interest and generate some conversation. Objectives: Understand the reality that electronics are a part of corrections and is here to stay; be proactive and become a part of the change in culture; and understand the big picture of why it is so important to embrace this concept. Moderator: Tillman Mosley, Vice President of Business Development, ShawnTech Communications, Inc., Miamisburg, Ohio Speaker: Jonathan London, Technology Director, Louisiana Department of Corrections, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
104 — ACA 149 th Congress of Correction
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